Wraparound Care at Whippersnappers

Whipper-snappers Kids Club accommodates children from Reception up to the end of Year 6. The club aims to provide a comfortable and happy atmosphere for children to relax and play before and after a day at school. Breakfast is provided before school, and a hot meal after school.

We open at 7.30 a.m. and at approximately 8.30 a.m. we walk with the children to the school and ensure they arrive at their class ready for the start of school.

We collect the children at the end of the school day and walk back with them to our Kids Club barn.  Tea is provided at 4 p.m. and we close at 6.30 p.m.

Children are provided with experiences and support which help them develop a positive sense of themselves and others, choosing to relax and watch a film, use arts and crafts materials or play with some of our more traditional toys and board games or in the fully enclosed garden on our purpose-built trim trail or with varied sports equipment that children can access before and after school.

During the school holidays we offer a full day or school day provision with an exciting array of activities and trips.  The holiday club can be booked on an ad hoc basis.

Fees for Reception – Year 6

Before School             £9.00

After School               £16.50

Full day                     £55.25

School day (9–3.15)   £46.10

We accept payments from the Government Tax Free Childcare scheme. https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/ 


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