Mental Health and Wellbeing

Miss Hart is our lead on Mental Health and wellbeing.

Here are some useful resources to support Children with their mental health...


Young Minds - Useful information for Parents and Carers

This site offers information on how to support your own well mental being and how to engage as a family. There are some useful resources.



The NSPCC website has lots of advice and support for parents with children of all ages. 




MindEd is a free learning resource about the mental health of children, young people and older adults. Are you a parent or carer who is concerned about the mental health of your child or teenager? Do you just want some hints and tips on parenting. MindEd for families has advice and information from trusted experts. 

MindEd for Families

Kooth Promotion Central is an ever-evolving resource hub for parents, teachers, community groups, healthcare providers and anyone else who wants to improve the mental health of those in their community. You can download all of our resources for free. Watch the introductory video here:

Kooth Promotion Central | koothplc (

Resources to use with CYP:

Kooth Assets | koothplc (



Anna Freud – CrisisTextline

The AFC Crisis Messenger text service is a free, confidential, 24/7 text message support service for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or is struggling to cope. To find out more information and download a poster to display in your school/setting, please click the following link:

AFC Crisis Messenger | 24/7 Crisis Support | Mental Health Support Service | Anna Freud Centre



The Rez

Sci-fi podcast adventure for 9-11 year-olds also told through a comic book and a game-based website

Join the Rez



Childline Toolbox

Childline’s toolbox offers children and young people a range of resources to support their emotional wellbeing and mental health. Resources include: videos, mental health first aid kit, mood journal, art box, image gallery, coping kit, games and calm zone.

To find out more click the link: Coping Kit | Childline


Here are some useful resources for Parents to support their children with their mental health...


Anna Freud Reflective Parenting Training - (Free Spaces)

The Reflective Parenting model introduces an approach to parenting that aims to promote family relationships and reduces parent-child conflicts. Parents can expect to develop a better understanding of their child’s emotions and behaviours, helping the child to feel both understood and of value. The approach also helps to de-escalate difficult situations and reduces behavioural and emotional outbursts. Reflective Parenting is a model of parenting based on theoretical ideas from mentalization – the ability of a parent to understand the thoughts, feelings and intentions behind the behaviour of both themselves and their child. 

Reflective parenting| Anna Freud Centre


Wellbeing for Children: Healthy Habits

Here is a video clip you can share with pupils and start a conversation about self-care

Wellbeing for Children: Healthy Habits - YouTube


Kids Presidents 20 Things We Should Say More Often

Here is a video clip to share with pupils to help start a conversation about healthy relationships and good social communication skills

Kid President's 20 Things We Should Say More Often - YouTube


Coping Skills for Kids

Here is a video clip to share with pupils to help start a conversation about healthy coping skills/strategies to support Self-regulation

Coping Skills For Kids - Managing Feelings & Emotions For Elementary-Middle School | Self-Regulation - YouTube



Essex SEND IASS provides free, confidential, and impartial information, advice and support about Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) for children and young people (0-25), parents and carers.

Essex SEND - Information, Advice and Support Service (


Educational Psychology Parent Helpline

Parents can speak to an EP about concerns related to their child’s education or development

Available: Monday & Wednesday 1pm-5pm (during term time)

Educational Psychology Parent helpline


Eating Disorders - POD

Beat’s Support Hub for Carers

POD (Peer support and Online Development) is Beat's online learning platform designed to provide anyone supporting someone with an eating disorder with a space to learn, share experiences and find community through online courses, workshops and forums.

Through POD, you can access a wide range of interactive e-learning modules to learn more about the basics of eating disorders and useful tools to support your loved one in recovery. 

With POD, you can connect with others who have the same experiences and worries as you.

Promotional Video (How works)

Kooth Promotion Central is an ever-evolving resource hub for parents, teachers, community groups, healthcare providers and anyone else who wants to improve the mental health of those in their community. You can download all of our resources for free.

Promotional Video:

Kooth Promotion Central | koothplc ( have put together a guide for Parents and Carers to explain the support they offer CYP and adults. To find out more please click the link and scroll down to ‘Guide for Parent Carers’:

Qwell Assets | koothplc (


Compass - A Coaching Support Programme for carers of young people

Compass is a coaching programme for carers of young people (aged 12-17) who have been recently diagnosed with an eating disorder (Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and OSFED) and are yet to start treatment. To find out more please click the following links:

Compass Commissioning Document

Compass Info for Parents/Carers

Be the best you can be