This written statement of behaviour principles is reviewed and approved by the Full Governing Body annually.
The Department for Education requires governing bodies of maintained schools to publish a statement of behaviour principles for their school. The Governing Body therefore has a duty to produce, and review, a written statement of general principles to guide the Headteacher in determining measures to promote good behaviour and discipline amongst pupils. The document ‘Behaviour in Schools’ (DFE – February 2024) has been used as a reference in producing this Statement of Behaviour Principles. There is an expectation that policy and the actions within be in accordance with the school responsibilities under equality legislation.
Felsted Primary School is an inclusive school. We are committed to equality and fairness; promoting respect; and nurturing every child in our school. These principles underpin the school’s behaviour policy. We want to ensure that we can improve the outcomes for our children and staff and to do this, we strive to promote good relations across the whole school community. We recognise the importance of applying these principles to behaviour both in school, out of school, and also online.
The Governing Board believes that high standards of behaviour are central to a successful school; excellent teaching and learning promote good behaviour, and good behaviour promotes effective learning. The children at Felsted Primary School have the right to learn and to reach their potential in all aspects of their lives. The high standards of behaviour we see at school will of course have a positive effect on the lives of young people outside school.
The following statements are used to guide the Behaviour Policy:
· Every pupil understands they have the right to feel safe, valued and respected, and learn free from the disruption of others
· All pupils, staff and visitors are free from any form of discrimination
· It is expected that all adults (staff and volunteers) will provide excellent models of behaviour in all aspects of school life
· Rewards, sanctions and reasonable force are used consistently by staff, in line with the behaviour policy. The school’s behavioural approach is a positive one, drawing attention to, and rewarding good behaviour and mutual respect.
· The behaviour policy is understood by pupils and staff and behaviour expectations are communicated clearly
· The exclusions policy explains that exclusions will only be used as a last resort, and outlines the processes involved in permanent and fixed-term exclusions
· Pupils are helped to take responsibility for their actions
· Families are involved in the promotion of good behaviour and in-school strategies to improve behaviour are shared. This fosters good relationships between the school and pupils’ home life
The governing board also emphasises that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated in any circumstances.
FPS Relationships and Behaviour Policy