Physical Education

We are a part of the Uttlesford School Sports Partnership (USSP)  Already this year, our children have represented Felsted Primary in cross country, dodgeball, indoor athletics, boccia, curling, cheerleading and multi-sports. Our goal is to ensure each child at Felsted can participate in a tournament or competition by the end of the school year.

In May, we have our intra-school Sports Day which, for the first time, will be planned and run by the children of Oak Tree class, led by our team of PE Ambassadors.

In addition to events run in and by the school, we love hearing about the success of our children in sports clubs and event outside of school hours. Please continue to send us pictures and messages via Tapestry, as well as bringing medals and rosettes into school, so that we can celebrate these sporting achievements together.


For SuperStars Sports Clubs and our PE Policy please click on the links below:

Superstars Sports Clubs

Felsted Primary School PE Policy

The Primary PE & Sport Premium


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