About Us


Vision Statement


School Ethos

The school is:

  • Caring and inclusive of all children

  • Forward thinking and outward looking with respect for our place in the worldwide community

  • A positive environment which encourages everyone to flourish and reach their full potential


British Values and our PSHRE Scheme

Following investigations into some schools in Birmingham where there was evidence of radicalization of pupils, promoted by governors, the prime minister made a speech outlining the idea that schools should promote British values, consisting of:

'Freedom, tolerance and respect for the rule of law and UK institutions'

At Felsted Primary School, we believe that these important values are inculcated into our school processes through:-

  • The actions of the staff as examples to the children

  • The Core Values and Core Principle which were arrived at through discussion with all stakeholders; staff,  pupils, parents and governors

  • The negotiated class rules which is agreed by each class with their teacher and is on display in that classroom

  • The role of the democratically elected school council, for example in agreeing rules of the playground and dining hall and having a say in lunchtime arrangements.  

  • Whole school assemblies which refer to the above British values and the school’s Core Values

  • Use of our PSHRE programme, which is taught once per week, normally through circle time

  • Regular references through teaching


The school uses the Kapow PSHRE scheme

This is augmented with stories and topics around a multi-cultural theme to ensure our children are prepared for life in a multi-ethnic Britain. 

We feel this is important because the school community does not reflect this.





Be the best you can be