Little Acorns Nursery

At Felsted Little Acorns we aim to meet each child’s individual needs helping them to reach their full potential in a caring and safe environment.

We are based at Felsted Primary school which enables your child to be part of a school environment which helps with their transition into primary education being familiar with the school staff, grounds and buildings. We have introduced longer sessions for the pre-school children with the option of a cooked school lunch; this has become quite popular with the children. We are included in school assemblies and have use of the reception playground on a daily basis.

We have excellent outside facilities, a large playground with a shelter enabling the children to have access to the same resources as inside to enhance their play and learning.

We also provide music.

Felsted Little Acorns is a charity which gives us the opportunity to use the funding to benefit the children offering them good resources in all areas of learning and excellent staff ratios. All staff are experienced and qualified in areas of childcare. 

All children and parents are valued and included in all aspects of Felsted Little Acorns.


Little Acorns Prospectus

 Little Acorns SEND

‘From Little Acorns, Big Oak Trees Grow’

Contact:  Mrs Katie Heron

               07759 475103

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